<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Veto</span><span class="style5"> –</span><span class="style1"> </span><span class="style2">the power of a chief executive like the President or a Governor to prevent permanently or temporarily the enactment of measures passed by a legislature.</span><span class="style1">Violate</span><span class="style2"> – to break a law, injure a person, or damage property.</span><span class="style1">Violation</span><span class="style2"> - breaking a law, as in traffic violation.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Unitary System</span><span class="style2"> – a government in which power is not divided, as it is in a federal system.</span><span class="style1">Unconstitutional</span><span class="style2"> – not according to, or against the Constitution.</span><span class="style1">Unreasonable Search or Seizure</span><span class="style2"> – a situation in which the police search a person or take his/her property without legal authority or constitutional right.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Testify</span><span class="style2"> – to give witness to something seen or heard, usually in a court of law.</span><span class="style1">Testimonal</span><span class="style2"> – a formal statement swearing to a particular fact. A statement praising another's achievement. Often used in unreliable information with testimony given by source with no expert knowledge.</span><span class="style1">Title of Nobility</span><span class="style2"> – inherited rank or position in society, such as king, queen, duke, prince, etc. Forbidden in the U.S. Constitution.</span><span class="style1">Treaty</span><span class="style2"> – A formal agreement between two or more states containing terms of trade, place, alliance, or the like.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Secret Ballot</span><span class="style2"> – no one can demand to know how a person votes. i.e. Australian Ballot.</span><span class="style1">Senate</span><span class="style2"> – the upper house of the U.S. Congress composed of 100 members, two from each state.</span><span class="style1">Separation of Powers</span><span class="style2"> – the three-way division of power among the three branches of the federal government.</span><span class="style1">Slander</span><span class="style2"> – to say something that damages or injures a person's reputation.</span><span class="style1">State Commissions</span><span class="style2"> – state agencies responsible for carrying out some particular aspect of state law. Example: Maryland Product Safety Commission.</span><span class="style1">Succeed</span><span class="style2"> – next in order-Who succeeds the president if he dies in office? (Presidential succession)</span><span class="style1">Symbol</span><span class="style2"> – something that represents something else. A sign of Uncle Sam is a symbol for the U.S.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Reprieve</span><span class="style2"> – to postpone (put off) carrying out a prison sentence.</span><span class="style1">Requirement</span><span class="style2"> – something demanded or needed in order to meet a standard, such as running for office.</span><span class="style1">Residency </span><span class="style2">– where one lives; a requirement for most public officer.</span><span class="style1">Revenue</span><span class="style2"> – the income (money) of a government raised by taxation.</span><span class="style1">Revoke</span><span class="style2"> – to take back. His driver's license was revoked.</span><span class="style1">Role</span><span class="style2"> – a part someone plays. The president has many roles: chief executive, commander-in-chief, diplomat, etc.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Ratify</span><span class="style2"> – approval of the states of a constitutional amendment.</span><span class="style1">Redress of Grievances</span><span class="style2"> – the righting of a wrong.</span><span class="style1">Referendum</span><span class="style2"> – to submit a proposed law to public vote.</span><span class="style1">Regulate</span><span class="style2"> – to control or enforce. Regulatory agencies enforce laws passed by Congress.</span><span class="style1">Reject</span><span class="style2"> – to turn down.</span><span class="style1">Reliability</span><span class="style2"> – something that can be depended on to be accurate.</span><span class="style1">Repeal</span><span class="style2"> – to do away with a law.</span><span class="style1">Representative</span><span class="style2"> – someone elected by people to serve for them in government.</span><span class="style1">Representative Democracy</span><span class="style2"> – a democracy in which representatives are elected by the people to do the work of governing. (</span><span class="style1">continued</span><span class="style2">)</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Qualification</span><span class="style2"> – conditions which must be met to serve in a particular capacity. One qualification for the presidency is a minimum age of 35 years.</span><span class="style1">Quartered</span><span class="style2"> – given lodgings; a place to stay.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Power</span><span class="style2"> – the authority to act in a given situation.</span><span class="style1">Presiding Officer</span><span class="style2"> – person in charge of a meeting. The Vice President is presiding officer of the U.S. Senate.</span><span class="style1">Primary Election</span><span class="style2"> – an election for selecting the candidates who will represent a political party in the general election.</span><span class="style1">Probable Cause</span><span class="style2"> – a situation in which a resonable person would have cause to suspect that a crime has been committed and that the suspect is connected with it.</span><span class="style1">Process</span><span class="style2"> – a court summons or writ: the entire course of a judicial (court) proceeding.</span><span class="style1">Public</span><span class="style2"> – belonging to all the people; open to public knowledge.</span><span class="style1">Publication</span><span class="style2"> – printed material offered for dissemination.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Pardon</span><span class="style2"> – an official act by a president or governor forgiving a person of a crime.</span><span class="style1">Party Platform</span><span class="style2"> – the principles and programs agreed upon by a political party.</span><span class="style1">Periodicals</span><span class="style2"> – publications, such a magazines, which are issued on an established time period - once a month, biweekly, etc.</span><span class="style1">Petition</span><span class="style2"> – a request by citizens for a government to do something or to stop doing something.</span><span class="style1">Plain-folks Appeals</span><span class="style2"> – a propaganda technique which compares a candidate to ordinary citizens. The presidental candidate puts on a steel worker's hat, kisses babies, etc.</span><span class="style1">Political</span><span class="style2"> – having to do with government.</span><span class="style1">Popular Sovereignty</span><span class="style2"> – the powers of government come from the people and can be taken away by the people. (</span><span class="style1">continued</span><span class="style2">)</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Oligarchy</span><span class="style2"> – rule by a group of people.</span><span class="style1">Original Jurisdiction</span><span class="style2"> – the authority of certain courts to hold the first trial in a given case. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases involving ambassadors.</span><span class="style1">Out of Court Settlement</span><span class="style2"> – when persons or parties involved in lawsuit come to agreement before the case comes to trial.</span><span class="style1">Override</span><span class="style2"> – the power of Congress to override (negate) a president's veto by two-thirds vote.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Name Calling</span><span class="style2"> – a political tactic to label an opponent with unfavorable associations.</span><span class="style1">National Convention</span><span class="style2"> – a meeting of political party delegates to select the party's candidate for president and vice president.</span><span class="style1">Negotiation</span><span class="style2"> – to come to agreement through discussion and compromise (give and take).</span><span class="style1">Nomination</span><span class="style2"> – to propose someone as candidate for office.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Main Function</span><span class="style2"> – primary (first) duty or responsibility.</span><span class="style1">Maintain</span><span class="style2"> – carry on; preserve or retain.</span><span class="style1">Majority Party</span><span class="style2"> – the political party which has the largest number of members in a legislature.</span><span class="style1">Militia</span><span class="style2"> – not members of the regular army, but individuals who are called to military duty in an emergency; National Guard.</span><span class="style1">Misdemeanor</span><span class="style2"> – a crime which is not as serious as a felony; usually those convicted given a year or less as punishment.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Lawsuit</span><span class="style2"> – a case brought before a court.</span><span class="style1">Legal Counsel</span><span class="style2"> – a lawyer or attorney.</span><span class="style1">Legislative</span><span class="style2"> – having to do with law making.</span><span class="style1">Levy</span><span class="style2"> – to impose or collect a tax.</span><span class="style1">Libel</span><span class="style2"> – a written, printed or oral statement that unjustly damages a person's reputation.</span><span class="style1">Lieutenant Governor</span><span class="style2"> – second highest Maryland official; takes over if the governor is unable to govern.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Judicial Branch</span><span class="style2"> – the branch of government which punishes lawbreakers and interprets the law.</span><span class="style1">Judicial Review</span><span class="style2"> – power of the Supreme Court to decide if laws violate any part of the U.S. Constitution.</span><span class="style1">Just Compensation</span><span class="style2"> – a fair amount granted for damages to a person or persons by a court.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Impartial</span><span class="style2"> – does not take sides.</span><span class="style1">Impeachment</span><span class="style2"> – process for removing a high government official from office. The House of Representatives votes to start impeachment proceedings against the president. The U.S. Senate decides if the person is guilty or not.</span><span class="style1">Indict</span><span class="style2"> – to formally charge a person with a crime.</span><span class="style1">Infringe</span><span class="style2"> – to break or ignore the terms or requirements of a law.</span><span class="style1">International</span><span class="style2"> – between nations.</span><span class="style1">Interpret</span><span class="style2"> – to determine to meaning of: the Supreme Court interprets the law.</span><span class="style1">Intersection</span><span class="style2"> – where two lines cross; the roads intersect.</span><span class="style1">Investigate</span><span class="style2"> – to examine an event for causes.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Hazard</span><span class="style2"> – something that presents a danger to safety.</span><span class="style1">Historic</span><span class="style2"> – important occurrence in the affairs of people.</span><span class="style1">House of Delegates</span><span class="style2"> – lower house of the Maryland General Assembly.</span><span class="style1">House of Representatives</span><span class="style2"> – lower house of the U.S. Congress</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">General Assembly</span><span class="style2"> – the lawmaking body, legislature, of the state of Maryland.</span><span class="style1">Grand Jury </span><span class="style2">– a group of persons who hear evidence and decide whether a person should be brought to trial or not.</span><span class="style1">Guaranteed</span><span class="style2"> – a promise that certain rights are secure.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Federal</span><span class="style2"> – on the national level; pertains to the entire nation.</span><span class="style1">Felony</span><span class="style2"> – a serious crime such as murder.</span><span class="style1">File for Office</span><span class="style2"> – to enter one's name formally as a candidate for public office; the first step in the election process.</span><span class="style1">Freedom of Assembly</span><span class="style2"> – to meet together.</span><span class="style1">Freedom of Petition</span><span class="style2"> – to ask your government to do or not to do something.</span><span class="style1">Freedom of Press</span><span class="style2"> – the news media: radio, television, newspapers.</span><span class="style1">Function</span><span class="style2"> – assigned duty or activity; one function of Congress is to levy taxes.</span><span class="style1">Funding </span><span class="style2">– raising the money necessary for a project.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Economy</span><span class="style2"> – a nation's system of producing, distributing, and consuming foods and services.</span><span class="style1">Editorial</span><span class="style2"> – a newspaper article giving the opinion of the editor, or a similar television or radio commentary.</span><span class="style1">Electoral College</span><span class="style2"> – the men and women who cast the official votes that elect the president and vice-president.</span><span class="style1">Excessive Bail</span><span class="style2"> – an unreasonable amount of money required for an accused person to be released from jail until trial.</span><span class="style1">Excise Tax</span><span class="style2"> – a federal tax on certain goods.E</span><span class="style1">xclusive Power</span><span class="style2"> – powers granted specifically only to one branch of government by the constitution.</span><span class="style1">Executive Branch</span><span class="style2"> – branch of government, federal, state, or local, responsible for enforcing the law.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Defense Council – </span><span class="style2">the attorney or lawyer who represents the accused in a court case.</span><span class="style1">Democracy</span><span class="style2"> – government by the people; the people are the final authority.</span><span class="style1">Department</span><span class="style2"> – a division in the executive branch of government, such as the Department of Defense.</span><span class="style1">Deprive – </span><span class="style2">to deny someone a right guaranteed by the constitution.</span><span class="style1">Dissent</span><span class="style2"> – voicing a difference of opinion.</span><span class="style1">District Court</span><span class="style2"> – one of the federal trial courts; or one of the state courts which hears misdemeanors such as traffic cases.</span><span class="style1">Domestic</span><span class="style2"> – relating to the family or home.</span><span class="style1">Double Jeopardy</span><span class="style2"> – accused persons may not be tried twice for the same crime.</span><span class="style1">Due Process of Law</span><span class="style2"> – legal steps to ensure fair treatment.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Consul</span><span class="style2"> – American government business and trade representative to a foreign government. </span><span class="style1">County Executive</span><span class="style2"> – official who administers or carries out the laws passed by the County Council, and who runs the affairs of the county. </span><span class="style1">Court of Appeals</span><span class="style2"> – the highest court in Maryland which reviews cases appealed from lower courts and which rules on the constitutionality of state and local laws.</span><span class="style1">Cruel and Unusual Punishment</span><span class="style2"> – punishment of convicted persons must not be unreasonable, according to the eighth amendment of the U.S. Constitution.</span><span class="style1"> </span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Concurrent Power</span><span class="style2"> – powers shared by the federal and state government.</span><span class="style1">Confederation</span><span class="style2"> – loose association of states, as in government set up by the Articles of Confederation.</span><span class="style1">Conference Committee –</span><span class="style2"> group consisting of Senate and House members who meet to work out differences in a bill.</span><span class="style1">Confirm – </span><span class="style2">approve someone else's action; as the Senate approves or confirms the President's appointments.</span><span class="style1">Congress</span><span class="style2"> – the law making body of the U.S.</span><span class="style1">Constitutional Amendment</span><span class="style2"> – a change in the U.S. Constitution which must be approved (ratified) by three-fourths of the states.</span><span class="style1">Constitutionality</span><span class="style2"> – a law must agree with the constitution. (</span><span class="style1">continued</span><span class="style2">)</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Cabinet Department</span><span class="style2"> – the governmental departments headed by members of the president's cabinet.</span><span class="style1">Checks and Balances</span><span class="style2"> – the way in which the powers of government are balanced, or divided, among three branches so that each branch may check, or limit, the others.</span><span class="style1">Circuit Court</span><span class="style2"> – Maryland courts which hear criminal and civil cases.</span><span class="style1">Civil Case</span><span class="style2"> – a dispute between two or more persons involving rights and/or damages. These cases do not involve a criminal act or a law.</span><span class="style1">Coining Money</span><span class="style2"> – the printing and minting of U.S. paper and metal money.</span><span class="style1">Commute</span><span class="style2"> – to change to a less severe punishment. The death sentence was commuted to life by the governor.</span><span class="style1">Comptroller</span><span class="style2"> – Maryland official who "controls" the public money of Maryland and sees that is is spent according to law: the state's chief accountant. (</span><span class="style1">continued</span><span class="style2">)</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Ballot</span><span class="style2"> – a paper or ticket used to vote; to cast a ballot is to vote.</span><span class="style1">Bandwagon Techniques</span><span class="style2"> – an "everybody's doing it" way of getting support from other people.</span><span class="style1">Bar Association</span><span class="style2"> – lawyer's organization which oversees the legal profession.</span><span class="style1">Bias</span><span class="style2"> – prejudice; preconceived judgment or opinion.</span><span class="style1">Budget</span><span class="style2"> – a plan for spending money.</span></text>
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<text><span class="style2"></span><span class="style1">Attorney General</span><span class="style2"> – chief legal officer of a nation or state; head of the Department of Justice.</span><span class="style1">Authoritarian</span><span class="style2"> – a government which demands total obedience of its citizens. (Also, totalitarian)</span></text>
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<text><span class="style1">Abide – </span><span class="style2">abide by: to comply with or to follow a court's order.</span><span class="style1"> Administer</span><span class="style2"> – to manage something, as the president administers the nation's affairs.</span><span class="style1">Ambassador</span><span class="style2"> – a person who represents his or her government in a foreign country.</span><span class="style1">Appeal</span><span class="style2"> – the right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review his or her case.</span><span class="style1">Appellate Jurisdiction</span><span class="style2"> – the authority of a court to review cases which have already been tried in a lower court.</span><span class="style1">Appointment</span><span class="style2"> – the act of selecting someone for a job or position.</span><span class="style1">Arbitration</span><span class="style2"> – a dispute between groups or individuals is given to a third person to decide or settle.</span><span class="style1">Article</span><span class="style2"> – a section or part of the U.S. Constitution. (</span><span class="style1">continued</span><span class="style2">)</span></text>
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